Can Bearded Dragons Regrow Their Tails?

  • By: Craig Winters
  • Date: November 7, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.
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Dropping and regrowing a tail is an awesome way to escape a predator. Many Lizards will use this defence mechanism when in the wild a condition called autotomy. Beardies however do not have the capability to perform this awesome trick.

It is a common misconception that bearded dragons can regrow their tails. However, whether by accident, injury or a predator attack a bearded dragon does not have the ability to regrow its tail or any other part of their bodies.

Any injury to their tail resulting in tail loss would simply need to heal just like any other injury.

Can a Bearded Dragons Drop Their Tail at will?

Bearded dragons don’t have the ability to drop their tails at will, unlike many other lizards. A beardie doesn’t really have the need to.

Many lizards that drop their tails do so as a defence mechanism as a way to get away from predators, but bearded dragons have other ways to defend themselves.

They will actually use their tails in an attempt to make themselves appear bigger, and more powerful and is a way to assert their dominance.

What Other Ways Can Your Bearded Dragon Lose Its Tail?

There are a few reasons why a bearded dragon may lose its tail. The most common cause is trauma either from the dragon being handled too roughly or fighting. Here are some of the other reasons for part or full tail loss.

Injury Problems

Your beardie can move quickly when it wants to and they are inquisitive so when they are free from their home and exploring the rest of the house or maybe they are out for a walk be careful.

Getting their tails stuck, pulled or stood on are all common injuries that can lead to tail loss so keep them monitored in a safe space when out of their enclosures.

Bitten off / Fighting

Aggressive Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are loners and as such don’t like sharing their spaces with other dragons. One dragon may start heading bobbing to look to show its dominance, this will often lead to biting, and fighting which can lead to injury, especially around their tails and feet.


A stressed beaded dragon is not a happy dragon and in extreme cases, this stress can even lead to a dragon biting off its own tail. Stress can be caused by a number of factors including a poor diet, inadequate housing or being around other bearded dragons or other pets.


If your bearded dragon is well cared for then in most instances shredding is pretty straightforward, but occasionally bits can get stuck.

If this happens around the tail then the blood supply can get cut off and this can cause the tail to die. For any skin stuck on smaller limbs a warm bath can help with hydration.

Calcium Deficiency

Your beardie needs a well-balanced diet containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals just like us. Calcium is particularly important as it affects their health, growth, shedding and more.

Calcium deficiency can result in metabolic bone disease which affects shredding and an inability to shred can lead to dead skin being stuck on the tail. As we have said this can cause an issue with the blood supply around the tail which can lead to tail loss.

Tail Rot

Tail rot is an infection that can spread up the tail and even extend to the whole body. Tail rot turns the tip of your beardies tail black in the infected area /and if not treated can in the extreme lead to death.

How To Prevent Your Beardie from Losing its Tail

There are a number of things that you can do to stop your bearded dragon from losing its tail.

  1. Do not house your bearded dragon with other bearded dragons.
  2. Avoid grabbing at or pulling on your beardies tail.
  3. Ensuring your bearded dragon is getting the right foods.
  4. Ensuring your bearded dragon is getting the right housing environment.
  5. Correct lighting in your bearded dragon’s vivarium

What Function Does a Bearded Dragons Tail Perform?

A bearded dragon’s tail is important for a number of reasons.

Bearded Dragon Tail for balance

Your beardie will use its tail for balance when climbing, walking or balancing on a branch. Their tails act like a counterbalance and will move in different directions to stabilize themselves. In much the same way, we would use our arms stretched out to balance ourselves on a balance beam. 

Bearded Dragons use their tails for communication

Your beard dragon will use their tails as a way of communicating with you. They will often raise their tails in excitement, as an alert or as a way of asserting dominance.

Dragons use their tails for mating

Bearded Dragons getting friendly

A bearded dragon will use their tails to attract the opposite sex. They use their tails as a social signal a way to communicate their mood and intentions.

A bearded dragon will also intertwine their tails during the mating process.

Beardies use their tails for protection and defense

As mentioned before your dragon will assert its dominance by using its tail to appear bigger and more prominent. A beardie without a tail can be a sign of weakness to other beardies.

Can Juvenile Bearded Dragons regrom their Tails?

Juvenile Bearded dragons cannot regrow a tail either. In fact, Baby dragons’ tails are much more fragile, they are more prone to injury and tail loss.

Just like us humans as juveniles, they are more daring and more energetic and as such, they must be handled with more care. They will ultimately become calmer with age in most cases although all bearded dragons are different

Help My Bearded Dragons Tail Fell Off!

If your bearded dragon loses it’s tail the last thing you want to be doing is touching or poking the area. Just like any injury, you sustain it will be painful and may require medical intervention from a vet.

If your dragon does get a tail injury then the closer to the tip the injury is the better as there will be less blood.

As you move towards the base of the tail there will be more blood, if the injury is very bloody you may be required to apply gentle pressure using a gauze or towel to stop the bleeding.


Thank you for reading! We hope that this article provides you with the information you need to make the best decisions for your bearded dragon. Be sure to check out the rest of our site for more quality content like this.

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