Bearded dragons are interesting creatures and, as a pet owner, it’s important to be aware of their behaviors. One such behavior is head bobbing.
- What Does It Mean When Your Bearded Dragon Bobbing Its Head?
- Head Bobbing To Assert Dominance
- Head Bobbing To Show Submission
- Head Bobbing When Investigating Something New
- Head Bobbing When Threatened
- Head Bobbing Due To An Underlying Health Issues
- Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Heads At Humans?
- Why Do Female Beardies Bob Their Heads?
- What Causes Them To Bob Their Heads While Sleeping?
- Is Frequent Head Bobbing Something To Be Worried About?
- Why Do Baby Bearded Dragons Bob Their Heads?
- Why Does My Bearded Dragon Bob Its Head At Toys?
- Why Does My Bearded Dragon Bob Its Head At Me?
- How To Calm An Angry and Agressive Bearded Dragon
- Wrapping Up Bearded Dragons Head Bobbing
What Does It Mean When Your Bearded Dragon Bobbing Its Head?
While it’s impossible to cover every possible reason for head bobbing, some of the more common reasons why your bearded dragon might be bobbing its head include:
- As a Sign of Dominance
- To Show Submission
- When Investigating Something New
- When Feeling Threatened and are Ready to Attack
- Sign of an Underlying Health Issue
It’s important to remember that this behavior is natural for bearded dragons and, unless it becomes a regular occurrence, usually isn’t anything to worry about.
Never seen a Beaded Dragon Head Bobbing before. Check out this Beardie Head Bobbing in the video below.
Head Bobbing To Assert Dominance
Bearded Dragons are territorial animals, and they will bob their heads as a sign of dominance. The speed at which the head is bobbed, as well as how long it is held in that position, can mean different things depending on the situation.
Head bobbing may also occur when a bearded dragon is trying to establish dominance or territorial claims with another dragon (or person!).
Head Bobbing To Show Submission
When your bearded dragon bobs its head slowly, it might just be saying that it is docile- meaning that you don’t need to fight him for territory or to show submission. In this case, the slow bobbing motion indicates to other Bearded Dragons that they are the boss.
Head Bobbing When Investigating Something New
Bearded dragons bob their heads when they are trying to determine the size, shape and distance of an object. It is a sign of curiosity and can be seen when the dragon is investigating something new.
Head Bobbing When Threatened
One reason could be insecurity – in other words, your beardie is uncertain about its surroundings and is looking for reassurance.
if your bearded dragon starts bobbing its head quickly or holds the position for a longer amount of time, it might be indicating that it is feeling threatened and ready to attack. When this occurs, other bearded dragons will usually back down or flee.
Another possibility is that something in its environment is making it feel uncomfortable or threatened – this could be anything from another animal in the room to a change in temperature or noise levels.
Head Bobbing Due To An Underlying Health Issues
If you do notice that your beardie is head-bobbing frequently for no apparent reason and this behavior continues for some time, it might be a sign of an underlying health issue and you should take your beardie to the vet.
Why Do Bearded Dragons Bob Their Heads At Humans?
There is no one answer to this question as bearded dragons can exhibit a variety of different behaviors when they encounter humans.
Some people believe that the bobbing motion is a sign of respect, while others think that the dragons are trying to determine whether or not the person is a threat. Bearded dragons may bob their heads in an attempt to assert dominance over humans.

Bonding with your bearded dragon is important for proper behavioral understanding. Whatever the cause, it’s important to learn how to interpret this signal if you want your pet to thrive when providing care for them.
Why Do Female Beardies Bob Their Heads?
There are a few reasons why female beardies bob their heads. One reason may be to show dominance or aggression, although this behavior is less common as usually female bearded dragons are friendlier with one another than male bearded dragons.
Another reason may be to show that she is submissive and willing to accept advances from a male bearded dragon. If a female is not interested in mating with a male, she might exhibit more aggressive behaviors such as biting or chasing him away.
What Causes Them To Bob Their Heads While Sleeping?
There are a few potential causes of why bearded dragons bob their heads while sleeping. The first possibility is that they’re being disturbed by a bright light.
If you have a light shining in the tank constantly, it could be causing sleep interruptions and leading to this distressed behavior.
Another reason for head bobbing might be that it’s actually a sign of sleep. Bearded dragons often enter into different phases of sleep and one of those phases may be characterized by this type of motion.
Alternatively, it’s possible that they’re just starting to fall asleep or are waking up from a nap, in either case, head bobbing is common during those times.
If you see your bearded dragon doing it throughout the night consistently, it might be worth taking them to the vet to check for any health conditions or lifestyle factors that could be causing the behavior.
Is Frequent Head Bobbing Something To Be Worried About?
If your bearded dragon is constantly bobbing its head, it’s important to determine the reason why. While it’s normal for a beardie to bob its head from time to time, frequent head bobbing could be a sign of discomfort or unease.
There are several reasons why your bearded dragon might be head-bobbing frequently. It could be due to adjusting to new environments or situations, or it could be because another pet is nearby and the beardie feels threatened.
In some cases, frequent head bobbing can also be a sign that your bearded dragon is feeling uncomfortable or uneasy.
It’s usually not something to worry about but can indicate that something is wrong. If you’re concerned about your bearded dragon’s behavior, contact a veterinarian for advice.
Head bobbing is an instinctive behavior – like crying, it helps the animal get their point across without using words. The bearded dragon uses this behavior as a way of communicating with others and establishing social dominance in their environment.
Why Do Baby Bearded Dragons Bob Their Heads?
There is no one answer to this question as different experts believe different things is the reason why baby bearded dragons bob their head. Some believe that they are trying to communicate, while others believe that they are trying to regulate their body temperature.
New baby Bearded Dragons will often bob their heads as they try to assert dominance. As they adjust to their new surroundings, they will usually stop this behavior. It’s important to keep them in a quiet area with plenty of food, water, and light so that they can settle without fear or stress.
They may also do this when exploring their terrarium for the first time. Your main job during the early care stages is to create a safe and comfortable environment for your reptile. A good quality terrarium with plenty of plants and hides will benefit your reptile during the settling in period.
Why Does My Bearded Dragon Bob Its Head At Toys?
There are a few reasons why your Bearded Dragon might bob its head at toys. One possibility is that your Bearded Dragon is trying to figure out what the toy is and what it is supposed to do. Another possibility is that your Bearded Dragon is trying to show dominance over the toy.
Bearded dragons bob their heads when they see something that interests them. This is a way for them to communicate with their owners and express their emotions. For example, if a bearded dragon sees a toy it likes, it may bob its head up and down as a sign of excitement.
Why Does My Bearded Dragon Bob Its Head At Me?
Bearded Dragons will bob their heads at a human if feeling threatened. This is usually a sign that the dragon is trying to assert dominance over the person it is interacting with. If you are able to continue bonding with your pet in order to eliminate aggression, the head-bobbing will cease.
How To Calm An Angry and Agressive Bearded Dragon
If you’re having trouble calming down your angry bearded dragon, try following these tips:
- Remain calm yourself.
- Offer your dragon a quiet place to hide.
- Give your dragon a warm bath.
- Provide your dragon with a healthy diet.
- Make sure your dragon has plenty of water.
If your bearded dragon is head bobbing or arm-waving, it’s a sign that they’re angry. This can be due to bad lighting, no access to heat or cold sources, or other reasons. To calm your beardie down, you should consider creating hides for them and providing good quality UVB light like the one below.
Zoo Med T8 ReptiSun UVB
- Stimulates sunlight
- Used and recommended by zoos, veterinarians, and top reptile professionals
- Helps to prevent or reverse Metabolic bone Diesase commonly seen in captive reptiles at 6 to 12 months of age
Creating hides for your Bearded Dragon is important because it helps them feel safe and comfortable when they need to retreat from the world outside of their hide by creating a homely, clean, safe environment your pet will feel less stressed out.
Wrapping Up Bearded Dragons Head Bobbing
So, bearded dragons head bobbing is a common behavior that you don’t need to worry about. As long as your beardie is healthy and happy, they’ll keep on bobbing their heads around!
Just remember that if your dragon starts head-bobbing for unknown reasons or it seems to cause them pain, then you should take them to the vet right away.