How Fast Can Bearded Dragons Run? – 3 Reasons Why They Do Run

  • By: Craig Winters
  • Date: November 7, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.
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It’s pretty safe to say that bearded dragons are pretty well-known for being incredibly fast, but just how fast can bearded dragons run when out in the wild?

Bearded dragons are a species of lizards that can sprint at speeds of up to 9 mph. This is really fast for such a small animal, and it’s an important part of how they survive in the wild.

Why do bearded dragons run on 2 legs?

Despite the fact that they have 4 legs, when moving at speed they tend to run on 2 legs.

There are two reasons why people believe bearded dragons do this.

Firstly – It allows them to run further by allowing the air to cool their body as they run.

Secondly – Bearded Dragons run on 2 legs because of the sheer speed they move at. Once they hit their maximum speeds they are moving so fast that gravity moves their centre of mass forcing the Bearded Dragons body into an upright position. Almost like they are pulling a wheelie.

Whatever the reason it’s cool. If you haven’t seen it before why not check out the video below.

How does a Bearded Dragon run on 2 legs?

Bearded dragons are able to run on 2 legs, but It’s not something that they do for long distances. A 2012 study found that bearded dragons were actually able to run faster on 2 legs than on four.

They use the tips of their hind limbs as a kind of springboard to propel them forward, and then switch back to using all four legs at slower speeds.

Running on two legs like this has been observed in other species of lizards as well, like the Green iguana and the Basilisk lizard. 

What are the different reasons they run?

Bearded dragons run for a variety of different reasons. They run to get away from predators, they run to get food, and they run for exercise. 

Escape From Predators

Bearded dragons are small lizards, and they’re prey for a lot of different animals. They need to be able to get away from these predators when they see them, or else they might be eaten. 

When they see a predator, they will run away as fast as possible in order to escape. They’re not trying to fight the predator, after all; they’re just trying to get away. 

Chase Down Prey 

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. They usually eat insects, but they will also eat other lizards if they’re hungry enough. 

When they see prey in their environment, they’ll chase after it to catch it. After all, an animal that’s running away is easier to catch than one that’s standing still. 

They’ll use their front legs to catch the prey, then they’ll grab it with their mouth to finish it off.  


Bearded dragons are really active lizards. They like to climb, run around, and get out of their enclosure for some time in the sun. It’s important for them to get exercise so that they stay healthy. If they don’t get the exercise they need, they might develop health problems.

Why does a bearded dragon run away from its owner? 

Why does a bearded dragon run away from its owner? 

Bearded dragons are pretty small lizards. This makes them a prime target for predators, so they need to nimble in order to escape from predators as quickly as possible. 

When a human picks up a bearded dragon, the bearded dragon is often startled because they are not expecting it. When they sees the human, they thinks that human is a predator, so instinct kicks in and they run. 

The problem with this is that bearded dragons aren’t very good at judging distances, so they can easily run right off the end of a table. They might even run into a wall or another hard surface if they’re scared enough.

Inaccurate approaching 

It’s important to approach a bearded dragon slowly. Bearded dragons are very skittish, and they’re afraid of any sudden movements or loud noises. If you want to get closer to your bearded dragon, you should do it slowly.

Get down on your hands and knees, then slowly move towards him. If he sees that you’re not a threat, he’ll stay put instead of running away. 

Fearful emotion 

Bearded dragons can get scared easily. They have a very strong sense of smell, so if you walk into the room with an aggressive or negative emotion, your bearded dragon might be scared of you. 

If your bearded dragon runs away from you like this, it’s best to calm down and try again later. 

The abnormal temperature in the shelter 

If your bearded dragon runs away from you, it might be because he’s too cold or too hot. Bearded dragons like it when the temperature in their cage is between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature in their cage is too cold or too hot, they might be scared and run away. 

If your bearded dragon runs away from you like this, make sure that the temperature in his cage is correct. You can do this by putting a thermometer inside of his cage to see if the temperature is right. 

Can you let your bearded dragon run around the house? 

There are some people who think that it’s okay to let bearded dragons run around the house freely, but this isn’t a good idea. Bearded dragons are very fast, and they can be hard to catch.  

It’s also not a good idea because they might get lost. Bearded dragons are great at hiding, and they can easily hide under furniture or inside a closet.

If however, you are going to let your bearded dragon run around the house, there are a few precautions you can take before letting your Beardie out to lower the risk of hurting or losing them.

These precautions include:

  • Remove any other pets you have from the room like dogs and cats.
  • Remove anything your bearded dragon may consider food or things that are small enough to be eaten.
  • Keep noise and lights consistent.
  • Be engaged with your pet, don’t leave them on their own.
  • Make sure any small spaces are blocked off or inaccessible you don’t want them getting out of the room.


Bearded dragons are interesting lizards. They can run on 2 legs, which is a pretty cool adaptation. This article has talked about the different reasons that bearded dragons run.

They run to escape predators, they run to chase down prey, and they run for exercise. 

It’s also talked about why bearded dragons might run away from their owners, including inaccurate approaching, fearful emotions and the abnormal temperature in the shelter.

We also covered the precautions you can take when letting your bearded dragon go for a run around the house. 

Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand bearded dragons better.