Bearded dragons, like so many other lizards species, are omnivorous. They can eat a wide range of vegetables as well as many insects and even some fruits. In captivity, they should be fed a diet that is consistent with what they would eat in the wild, a range of vegetables, worms, and insects.
Bearded Dragons can eat spinach, but you should only feed it to your beardie very occasionally and in small amounts as too much can cause real problems.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach and Should They?
Oxalates or oxalic acids are compounds found in spinach that can hinder beardie’s ability to absorb calcium.
Beardies should avoid spinach altogether if they want to prevent calcium deficiencies. Spinach is high in oxalates, so it is not recommended as a regular staple in bearded dragon diets.
Spinach is not a recommended vegetable for bearded dragons.
If you feed spinach to your bearded dragon often, they are likely to become nutrient deficient.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Have Spinach?
Spinach is becoming more popular than ever and is often seen as a superfood by nutritionists and doctors, but is spinach a safe food for your bearded dragon?
Your Beardie can eat spinach, but they should be eating it occasionally and in small amounts. There are a range of other supplementary foods that you should consider feeding your bearded dragon if you are feeding your dragon spinach too often.
Bearded dragons should not be fed spinach more than once per week.
Benefits of Spinach for Bearded Dragons
Spinach is high in protein; your bearded dragon however gets 99% of the protein they need from live insects.
The healthy calcium to phosphorus ratio for bearded dragons is 2:1, spinach meets this 2:1 ratio.
Phosphorus inhibits the absorption of calcium for bearded dragons when ingested in large amounts.
Spinach is low in sugar, which is good for bearded dragons as you don’t want your beardie developing tooth decay from too many sugary treats.
Spinach helps stimulate a bearded dragons natural hunger-causing hormones which helps to promote a healthy appetite in your beardies.
Finally, spinach can help to keep the skin of a bearded dragon looking great, spinach promotes the growth of collagen and elastin in their skin cells.
There are many benefits to including spinach as part of a bearded dragon’s diet, so be sure to give it a try!
Spinach Nutritional Value

Spinach can help to keep bearded dragons healthy by providing them with essential nutrients and helping to regulate their digestive system.
Baby spinach has the same nutritional values as regular spinach and the same dietary issues also.
Spinach is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamins A, C, and K.
Dangers of Feeding Beardies Too Much Spinach
Beardies shouldn’t be fed spinach often because it’s high in oxalates which bind calcium and stop the dragon from absorbing it.
If a bearded dragon is starved of calcium, it will become very ill and likely suffer from physical illnesses such as metabolic bone disease (MBD).
To ensure your beardie always has the recommended amount of calcium, use a good quality supplement.
Too many spinach leaves could cause you bearded dragon to become sick and that’s the last thing you want as a conscientious owner.
Symptoms of potentially dangerous overfeeding include:
- Cracked or discolored scales around the mouth
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting their food contents shortly after eating
- Lethargy
It is never a good idea to feed your dragon anything that may cause them harm, so if your beardie shows any of these symptoms, it is best to stop feeding them spinach immediately.
If you suspect your beardie is overfed spinach, take them to a veterinarian for further examination.
Spinach Alternatives for Bearded Dragons?
There are many safe leafy green vegetables that can be offered as a substitute to spinach.
Some plants that can be used as spinach alternatives for bearded dragons include mixed salad leaves, rocket and watercress.
Each of these plants has high levels of vitamins A and C essential to a bearded dragons’ health.
Some of these plants contain antioxidants that help to protect the dragons from harmful free radicals.
What Vegetables Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Bearded dragons can eat a wide range of vegetables including but not limited to:
- Bell Peppers
- Carrots
- Parsnips
Bearded dragons need a varied diet to avoid nutritional issues.
Please visit our bearded dragon diet page for a list of other vegetables bearded dragons can eat.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Kale?
Kale is safe to feed to bearded dragons but must be washed and fresh before feeding.
Kale is an excellent food choice high in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin, K, vitamin A, and folate.
What Greens Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Bearded dragons can eat a range of greens, including spring greens, floret mix, lambs lettuce, kale, collards, parsley, clover, dandelion greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, endive, rocket and coriander.
Bearded dragons should not be fed vegetables or fruits while they are ill. Greens can once again make up part of your beardies diet once they are feeling better.
What Fruits Can Bearded Dragons Eat?
Bearded dragons can eat a huge variety of fruits. However, these should be fed to your beardie occasionally – not every day.
Fruit is very sugary and can lead to obesity and yeast issues. Avoid citrus fruits as they can upset their tummies. Feed your bearded dragon fruit occasionally, use them as treats instead.
Fruits that Bearded Dragons can eat include but are not limited to:
- Blueberries are a fruit that bearded dragons can occasionally eat.
- Raspberries are okay to feed to bearded dragons as long as they are in moderation.
- Pineapples safe for bearded dragons? you should only feed your bearded dragon 1-2 times a month.
A fruit to avoid is Oranges, they are not recommended for feeding bearded dragons because they are too acidic.
Thank you for reading our article on whether bearded dragons can eat spinach.
We have found that while spinach is not a bad food for beardies, it does have some drawbacks.
Namely, it could lead to calcium deficiency if fed in large quantities and should not be given to beardies regularly. However, spinach is still a good source of nutrients for them and can be eaten occasionally without any problems.