

Hi, my name is Craig and I’m a reptile enthusiast.

I love to learn about different types of reptiles and share my experiences of looking after my Reptiles.

I’ve always loved animals, especially reptiles. When I was younger, my family had a few different types of pets, but they were dogs, cats and goldfish, your more traditional pets.

As I got older, my interest in reptiles grew. As did my passion to learn more about these fascinating creatures and share what I’ve learnt with others who are interested in them too.

My hope is that this site will be able to provide the information that you need when you are looking for a new pet or just want to learn more about what your reptiles need!

I have 3 Iguanas.

The first is Louie

Red Tailed Iguana

Next up we have Bruce.


Finally, we have Ghost.


Each one is special in its own way. If you have any questions about these reptiles or anything reptile related feel free to get in touch.

Thanks for reading
